Justin Ng


About Me

Starting college, I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I enjoyed things that where puzzling to me and solving those puzzles. At first, I wanted to study Mathematics because I thought math was in a way, a puzzle, where you are given this puzzle and expected to output an answer. In coding, we are able to do the same thing. We are able to create code that can be completely different from someone else's code, and yet produce the exact same answer every single time for any set of different inputs. This way very different from mathematics, where solving a problem is done in a very linear way. In coding, we are our own author to our code.



Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

Finishsed the rest of my Computer Science courses here and specialized in both Full-Stack Development and Web Development.

Associate in Arts in Mathematics

Skyline College, San Bruno, CA

Finished my Mathematics and Physics requirements here, and a bit more. Was introduced to Computer Science here.

Professional Experience

IT Specialist

2019 - Present

USAR, Dublin, CA

Most Used Languages

These values represents how much the language is used in my projects that are featured on my Github and are likely to change overtime. These statistics were generated on 06/01/2021 from Github using Github Readme Stats by Anurag Hazra.

JavaScript 71.30%
CSS 10.85%
Java 9.64%
HTML 8.19%

Contact Me

Contact me via this form. If that does not work, please contact me at JustinNg13@yahoo.com.